Double-Counted Ballots

Viewing the Double-Counted Ballots

2020 Presidential Election

Double counted ballot image


In our investigation, we identified instances of ballots that were double-scanned and subsequently double-counted during the election process. Below, we present the methodology and evidence that supports this finding, including side-by-side comparisons of the double-scanned ballots, audit mark data, and a detailed analysis of the Cast Vote Record (CVR).

Side-by-Side Comparison of Double-Scanned Ballots

We have compiled a list of ballots that we identified as being scanned more than once. For each pair of double-scanned ballots, we present them side-by-side, along with all relevant information extracted from the audit mark on the third page of the ballot. This audit mark data includes:

  • Date and Time Scanned: The exact timestamp when each ballot was scanned.
  • Tabulator Information: The specific machine that scanned the ballot.
  • SHA Signature Information: A cryptographic hash that helps verify the integrity of the scanned ballot.
  • Voter Choices: The candidates and measures the voter selected on each ballot.

By examining this data, it becomes evident that certain ballots were processed more than once by the tabulation system.

Evidence from the Cast Vote Record (CVR)

The CVR is a comprehensive record of every ballot that was counted in the election. It includes detailed information about each ballot, including a unique identifier, the votes cast on it, and the time and method of its processing.

To prove that the double-scanned ballots were also double-counted:

  • Matching Ballots in the CVR: I compared the double-scanned ballots to entries in the CVR. Each instance of a double-scanned ballot was found twice in the CVR, indicating that both the original and the duplicate were counted.
  • Comparison with Official Results: I then compared the total number of ballots and their results from the CVR with the results published on the Secretary of State's website. The numbers matched exactly, confirming that all ballots recorded in the CVR-including the duplicates-were included in the official count.

Fulton County

I have identified 550 double counted ballots in the original count, and 3,930 double counted ballots for the recount

Here are some of the double-counted ballots for the Fulton County Recount of 2020. I hope to add most of the ballots here to allow anyone interested to compare them. Many of the ballot images in Tabulator 816 were deleted and not supplied, so we had to use the cast vote record as our doubling source.