Recount Analysis

Grady County, Georgia

2020 Presidential Election

Election Day



  • Double scanned ballots in original count: 49

General Observations

In Grady County, our analysis of the election data identified a set of duplicate ballots in the original count. A total of 49 ballots were discovered to have been scanned twice. The first batch processed by this tabulator on October 21st was erroneously scanned again as the last batch on November 4th.

It appears that upon recognizing the duplication of the ballots, an election official took corrective action. Rather than removing the duplicated set, which was scanned last, the decision was made to eliminate the original set of ballots from the records. This reflects the official's recognition of the duplication error and their effort to ensure the accuracy of the final vote tally. The official then adjusted the official result tallies to account for this removal, thereby aligning the official count with the accurate number of votes.

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