Recount Analysis

Upson County, Georgia

2020 Presidential Election

Election Day



  • Ballots not appearing in recount: 101
  • Double counted ballots in recount: 100

General Observations

Analyzing the election data from Upson County uncovers a familiar situation. Initially, it appears that the county executed a near-perfect count, with the difference between the original count and the recount being less than one vote. However, upon closer inspection, there are significant anomalies that merit attention.

In the election day ballots, there's an unexplained disappearance of 101 ballots. These ballots, primarily from Ballot Marking Devices (BMDs), are within a batch of 200 ballot numbers, meaning that some were randomly removed from the original scanning. The grouping of the missing ballots hints at a potential systematic issue, possibly in the tabulation process or in the management of the ballots themselves.

101 Ballots Missing from the Recount


Recount Observations

On the other hand, the recount data reveals the introduction of 100 duplicate ballots. This number almost precisely matches the quantity of missing ballots from the original count. When you consider how often this happens with other counties, seems like more than a mere coincidence. These duplicates were not the last ballots scanned, lending some support to the theory of accidental duplication.

100 Double Counted Ballots in the Recount

double counted ballots

However, the almost exact offset of missing and duplicated ballots is certainly unusual and raises suspicions. This coincidence of numbers-missing ballots in the original count being nearly the same as the duplicated ones in the recount-once again looks like an election worker may have intentionally double counted some ballots to make up for the 100 ballot deficit.

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