Ballot Analysis

Brooks County, Georgia

2024 Presidential Election

Election Day


  • Issues: Four ballots were poorly adjudicated

Ballot Issues

The number of ballot images perfectly matched the cast vote record.


The adjudication of these ballots is among the worst observed in any county. Unfortunately, the ballot images available on the Secretary of State's website do not include the adjudication audit mark. I used the cast vote records to determine the final vote.

The first ballot in question is ballot 00090-00006-000001. This ballot clearly shows an overvote for president, yet the adjudicator marked Claudia de la Cruz as the choice in the Cast Vote Record.

Adjudication example 1

The second ballot in question is ballot 00090-00025-000004. This ballot also shows an overvote for president, but the adjudicator marked the empty write-in as the choice in the Cast Vote Record!

Adjudication example 2

The next ballot is ballot 00090-00025-000009. This ballot contains multiple overwrites from a common problem where absentee voters both fill in the bubble and then write in the name of the candidate. The adjudicator's decisions show a mix of proper and improper adjudications, with some marked correctly and others incorrectly marked as 'blank.'

Adjudication example 3

The final ballot is ballot 00090-00025-000012. This ballot demonstrates an overvote for every candidate except for Trump. The voter likely intended an "Anyone but Trump" vote. Despite five fully filled bubbles for president, the adjudicator incorrectly assigned the vote to Kamala Harris.

Adjudication example 4

Advanced Voting

There were no missing votes when comparing the Cast Vote Record vs. the Absentee Voter File

Absentee Voting

There were no missing votes when comparing the Cast Vote Record vs. the Absentee Voter File

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